
Use Cases

Individuals and Families

YunoHost and NextCloud offers most functionality an individual or a family would want to use in the Cloud: Email and chat clients; Office tools; and Cloud Storage, among others. It also enables sharing of data with other individuals and organizations using the same platforms. Adding PortalGuard enables private email and web-hosting. All with your data under your control, eliminating tracking and surveillance.

The hardware needed to support an individual can be modest, e.g. a Celeron-based mini-PC, but, the other variable is the number of applications that are being provided. And depending on that, the hardware might need to be more beefy, e.g. a i5 or i7 class Intel processor mini-PC.

For Organizations

Organizations like small businesses, social organizations, activist organizations and non-profits can run their organization on YunoHost and NextCloud. The organization’s IT infrastructure cannot be cancelled or censored. Multiple user accounts with single sign-on allows everyone in the organization to participate. Organization members or employees each get their own email address at the organization.

The server hardware to support small organizations varies mostly with the number of users it is expected to support. Servers can vary from an i5/i7 class Intel mini-PC, to rack servers.


Personal Cloud Storage

NextCloud provides a Google Drive like experience for managing file storage. It also allows sharing of files and folders, both within the organization, or, with someone outside the organization. Sharing among NextCloud instances allows files to be accessed from other NextCloud instances than where they were created.

Best of all, NextCloud provides a rich plugin architecture that allows for applications built on top of it. Examples of plugins can be found here.

  • Data sharing
  • Plugins

Personal Email and External Access

  • With PortalGuard
  • Own email server - emails stored on own servers
  • Email client in NextCloud
  • Serve Wordpress / blogging sites